We’re in major planning mode in the Geocaching Capital of Canada and excited about new things coming in 2020.

First off, we celebrate Leap year with a Meet ‘n’ Greet Event (GC8K2V8) at the Harcourt Community Centre Feb. 29, 2020 at 12 noon. Among other things, we’ll talk about Adventure Labs. If you’re in the area, stop by and say hi and grab some lunch hosted by the Harcourt Ladies Committee.

Our sensational anniversary event will be held on Saturday, May 30, 2020, with the theme of the Roaring Twenties. No telling what Sticky Moose has planned, but it’s sure to be an exciting afternoon engaging the entire community!

Pack your canoe or kayak and a picnic lunch and plan to stay an extra day. We plan to have our new Water series of caches ready by May 30th as well.

Later in the spring/summer our Adventure Lab series (currently in planning stages) will launch. This is another way to introduce muggles to a different form of geocaching, or add a twist to your caching habits.

You never know what else may be in the works. For current updates, follow our Facebook page.
